Monday, August 3, 2009

Misinterpretation of the Human Language

" mis⋅in⋅ter⋅pret

[mis-in-tur-prit] Show IPA
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) to interpret, explain, or understand incorrectly. " (from

I might be a victim of this....

No, scratch that - I am but I know that I am not the only one. People misinterpret other people's statements other times all the time and there are plenty of factors. Perhaps that person was talking to another and you just so happen to land right in front of them. That happens more often than one thinks. Or there is a personal view on a definition of a word. After that point someone may take it the wrong way, a misunderstanding takes place, which may lead to an argument. However, that's only one plausible scene because I am an argumentative person when it comes to opinions about emotions especially if it involves MY emotions or people I know. It must be the same with others, right?

Another situation where misinterpretation is common is when two people strike a conversation when they speak different languages. Yes, one might think: "Why would two people who speak two totally different languages manage to cross paths and try to converse?" Yet again, it is more common than one would think. Especially, if you're in an environment where you have to speak with others who aren't very well acquainted with your language (such as a job you currently have, speaking to an elder who speaks barely any English, whatever, etc.)

Other example(s): There are two people who are in a relationship. He/she decides it's funny, whether they recall it had any relevance to any past conversations or not, and states it to the other. For some reason, he/she misinterprets this as a personal joke because it does have something to do with a past conversation or scratches something that has been bothering them (whether that person remembers or not).

I'm not 100% sure if that made any difference to my blog but I do know that people have things buried within their memory that are only pulled up when a certain word, phrase, picture or even sound is emitted or brought up. Anyone may disagree with that but from experience I have found that to be very true.

*Note: I may or may not come back and continue this on another entry in the future if I feel the need to further explain or add on. :)

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