Thursday, July 23, 2009

To Those Who Have Crossed My Mind

If you want to confront me about whatever I have to say, go ahead and confront me about it. If you want to prove me wrong, I'll admit I am wrong if you are right in what you say. If you don't want to, you don't have to waste your time and just because I wrote all this doesn't mean I think I know everything. This is my opinion about certain people who have crossed my mind for a while and I wanted to get it out. I think I'm just a pent up ball of frustration.

*Note: Idea from Esther. You, wise-thing, you. :)


1. We had a great time as close friends, but I just don't feel like all the things you told me about how I was so close to you was a lie. If I was such a close friend to you, why don't you put the effort into being a good friend if you stated you were mine also? It's silly how unthoughtful you were. Perhaps you changed but to just doesn't seem like your perspective on friendship and perhaps me has at all and since the beginning I have known barely changed at all. I hope you continue to learn and you will see what I mean. Positively, you're a pretty cool person to hang with. You have good goals but you should tag with it a better morals.

2. You're a great guy. You're hot, you're talented, you're pretty open-minded and now you have your own unique swagger. But it seems your judgment is a lot of the times, clouded by your pride. You cannot hold onto the words you say you will keep and you lie...a lot. I think it's because you're too nice and you don't hold grudges but I told you before...don't pretend to like somebody you don't. Of course, you should keep personal feelings from business but don't go and do favors or give a person advice when I know for a fact you absolutely hate something about them (probably an ill moral[s]). And you need to learn to make decisions with your mind more and less with your heart. It is important to make some with your heart but to always do that is a mistake you will not learn for a long time.

3. We've known each other for a long time. You weren't my first friend, and I wasn't yours. We barely talk anymore and we didn't talk for a long time but I can still trust you after all of it. You're a good person and you're a bit too independent sometimes but that's not too bad. You're stubborn but at the same time you can be very sweet and caring. I wish we could go back to the way we were at times, to be able to connect the way we has but it seems as if we've grown apart too much...No doubt, we'll be there for each other when we need each other but...I feel like that's it. We have a few things in common but it hurts me now to think it may not be the same anymore. You were like a big sister to me - a role model. You still are, but I guess we've both grown UP so much it's like we don't really need each other anymore.

4. Finally someone I can share my opinions about certain things about. You're a wise gal and thank you for the long conversations. It's refreshing.

5. I need to get to know you more, but you're a decent guy too. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll find the girl you need in no time. It may take a few decades (I'm not saying it will) but it will all be worth it if it does. :)

6. You have some problems but I'm sure you'll learn to grow out of it. I know you better than you think. I will, hopefully, be there for you always. As long as you continue to let me be in your life. I'll help you choose the right paths and pull you past when you go through a rough patch. You're good kid. Even though you're so close to me, you never talk to me even though I have offered to you so many times.

7. I feel like you expect a lot from me. I think it is because we've known each other for a few years that you think you've been a great friend to me. You think you know me so well. Do you care for me as much as you say you do? Am I really that close to you? Or am I just a tool to rid of that feeling of loneliness because you feel like I'm the only one who can understand or openminded and patient enough? Yes, there may be other people who you can share the amount of things you have with me but you can't really compare our friendship can you? If you do, and I'm pretty sure you already have, that's bull. That's what I think because I doubt there is ANYBODY else who you can share with about the stuff you have shared about with me. Don't worry, I have not said anything to anyone about our friendship but you betrayed my trust and I still have not completely forgiven you. I don't think you understand how much that betrayal hurt me. I don't think you took the time to think it through. Maybe it's time you should?

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